![](http://www.teacher-and-english.ru/1/odnoazovaya_upakovka_dlya_pischevih_produktov.jpg) |
В новогодние праздники покупки в супермаркете - одна из самых актуальных тем. Разыскивая что-либо для праздничного стола, вы можете просто спросить об этом у продавца-консультанта. Однако иногда покупателей особенно интересует то, во что упакован тот или иной продукт.
В данной заметке приводятся несколько наименований наиболее распространенных видов пищевой упаковки на английском языке.
1. barrel: Barrels are large, waterproof wooden containers that hold large amounts of liquid (or random items, in some idioms)
бочка, бочонок
barrel of whisky, barrel of wine (idioms: barrel of monkeys, barrel of laughs, barrel of fish).
2. bottle: Bottles are glass or plastic containers with narrow tops used for liquids
бутылка, бутыль
bottle of juice, bottle of water, bottle of soda
3. carton: Cartons are normally waxed cardboard containers that hold liquid or things that are not completely solid
картонная коробка
carton of milk, carton of ice cream, egg carton, carton of soup
4. can/tin (US/UK): Cans are usually made of metal.
жестяная банка, консервная банка
can of beans, tin of tuna, canned
5. case: Cases are large containers usually used to transport many of the same item for purchase. Most things come in cases at some point in the process.
коробка, ящик
case of beer bottles, case of cereal boxes, case of canned corn
6. crate: Crates are wooden or plastic boxes that are frequently used for storing or carrying larg amounts of something.
корзинка, сетка, клеть
crate of apples, crate of potatoes
7. jar: Jars are made of glass.
jarred sauce, jar of jam (or you might hear someone talk about a "jam jar”), jar of peanut butter, jar of mayonnaise
8. pitcher: Pitchers are large plastic or glass containers that are open at the top with a lip and a handle, used for pouring liquids.
бадья, кувшин
pitcher of lemonade, pitcher of iced tea, pitcher of water
Источник: http://kaplaninternational.com/blog/vocabulary-for-food-containers/ |