Пояснения к инфографике:
Что такое омофоны и омонимы?
Это слова, которые звучат одинаково, но пишутся по-разному и имеют разное значение. Омофоны следует отличать от, например, омонимов, которые не только звучат, но и пишутся одинаково.
Steel и Steal
Сталь - металл, выплавленный из железа: “The building had steel beams at its center.”
Украсть - взять чужое без разрешение: “Don’t steal, or you will go to jail.”
Bow и Bow
Бант - украшение для волос: “Her hair was tied in a green bow.”
Кланяться - сгибаться с целью выразить почтение: “When the queen walks past, men bow to her.”
Aloud и Allowed
Вслух: “Please read the next chapter aloud, Sarah.”
Разрешенный: “Cheeseburgers are not allowed on my diet, but I eat them anyway.”
Club и Club и Club
Бита, дубинка: “I used my purse as a club and pounded the mugger’s head.”
Клуб - сообщество по интересам:“Bill joine d the model train club.”
Коммерческая развлекательная организация: “Come to the club with me on Friday.”
Right и Write и Rite
Направо: “The store will be on your right after the first stop sign.”
Изображать графические знаки, их сочетания: “Write your name at the top of the test.”
Ритуал, церемония: “Many churches practice the rite of baptism.”
Sea и See
Огромная масса солёной воды: “The crab fisherman spent a month at sea.”
Воспринимать, видеть глазами: “He climbed the largest tree to see if he was near the forest’s edge.”
Fine и Fine и Fine
Штраф, денежное наказание: “The library gave Bubba a fine when he brought his book back late.”
Тонкий: “The necklace was made of fine strands of woven gold.”
ОК, всё хорошо: “She asked how I was, and I said I was fine.”
Doe и Dough и Dough
Самка оленя: “A bucks has antlers; a doe does not.”
Тесто: “Roll the dough out on a floured surface.”
(Сленг) Деньги: “I have a lot of time but little dough.”
Die и Dye
Оставить этот мир: “As sad as it is, all pets eventually die.”
Краска: “Veronica bought purple dye for her hair.”
Rock и Rock и Rock
Музыкальный жанр: “Listening to rock will rot your brain, Mom always said.”
Качать, укачивать: “Betty rocked her baby to coax him to sleep.”
Скала: “Billy Joe crammed a rock under the tire so his truck wouldn’t roll.”